Serenity House ~ Alano Club of Charlevoix

Other Meeting Resources


AA Meetings in East Jordan

Tuesday 7:00pm: Men's closed meeting, Methodist Church, 201 4th St.

Thursday 7:00pm: Open meeting, Presbyterian Church basement, 207 William St.

Friday 7:00pm: Closed meeting, Methodist Church, 201 4th St.

Contact for Methodist Meetings: William A (231) 675-6720.

The Methodist meeting might be at the Watershed (101 Union St.) during the summer.

A posting will be on the door of the meeting if so.


Alcoholics Anonymous

Overeaters Anonymous

Narcotics Anonymous

West Michigan District 13 - AA

Alanson | Beaver Island | Boyne City | Charlevoix | Conway | East Jordan | Harbor Springs |

Pellston | Petoskey

Northern Michigan District 18 - AA

Alden | Bellaire | Central Lake | Eastport | Elk Rapids | Mancelona

Western Michigan Area Assembly - AA

Michigan Al-Anon Family Grou

Al-Anon Meeting Search Tool

Northwoods Area - NA

Serenity House ~ Alano Club of Charlevoix

(231) 675-9184

106 Mason St., Charlevoix, MI 49760, USA

© 2024 by Serenity House

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